Helping cats and dogs live their healthiest lives.

Presenter Bio

Dr. Becca Leung

Dr. Becca Leung

BSc, BVSc, PhD Candidate, ACVN Credentialed Candidate
ID: 649
Dr. Becca was born in Hong Kong and raised in the United States of America. She received her bachelor's degree in Animal Science from the University of Florida, and then decided to travel across the world to Massey University in New Zealand to complete her veterinary degree. Becca always had an interest in nutrition and so after completing veterinary degree, she stayed on at Massey University to complete a combined PhD and ACVN nutrition residency program with Dr. Nick Cave. She has since completed her residency and is sitting her boards this year. Becca joined Royal Canin two years ago in the role of R&D research manager for the territory of Ageing.