Helping cats and dogs live their healthiest lives.

Event Details

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD): A holistic approach to patient management

Dr. Carolyn O'Brien
17 November 2020
ID: 625
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During this webinar, Dr Carolyn covers the latest in medical, surgical, nutritional and behavioural aspects of a multi-faceted approach to managing the FLUTD patient. Details such as analgesia, equipment and multi-modal environmental modification are discussed to leave you with a comprehensive treatment plan for even the most challenging patient.
Carolyn graduated from the University of Melbourne in the 90's and spent some time in general practice in Australia and the UK before undertaking a feline medicine residency at the University of Sydney in 2000. She is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Feline Medicine and has worked in both university and private referral practice as a registered veterinary specialist. Carolyn has a Master's degree in the epidemiology and treatment of canine and feline cryptococcosis and recently completed a PhD investigating the ecology and epidemiology of mycobacteria in cats and Australian wildlife.
Carolyn is currently a director and feline medicine specialist at Melbourne Cat Vets and has been a tutor for the Centre for Veterinary Education's Feline Medicine Distance Education for 12 years. Carolyn's particular interests are infectious diseases, cardiology, dermatology, feline behaviour and neurology. She is also interested in the psychology of adult learning and is a very active speaker to Australian and International audiences. She lives with her husband, two children and two cheeky Burmese kittens in urban Melbourne, and takes pride in tending to her vegetable patch and flock of bantam chickens.

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